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In September 2021 I came across many single mothers and couples who wanted to understand postpartum depression. Hence with Team Yaha we created this youtube video. If you have not gone through this video I suggest you watch it.
By fully watching this video will also get a better understanding about postpartum depression. Also it will answer your question about what is the symptom of postpartum.
However, since 2021 till now I have come across many more individuals and couples whom I have consulted to overcome postpartum depression. In this article I have also shared some more insights for you so that you can start your journey to come out of postpartum.
Understanding Postpartum Depression
Interestingly, since September 2021, many couples have contacted me with the issue of postpartum depression. Due to overload of information on the internet there is a lot of confusion related to postpartum.
I have personally interacted with 100+ couples who have just delivered a new baby. This is what I have discovered during our interaction:
Confusion - 25% of couples were under the impression that baby blues and postpartum depression are the same thing.
No awareness - 40% of couples were completely blank and haven't even heard the terms baby blues and postpartum.
Seeking solution - 35% were aware parents however they wanted to make sure what it is and how to overcome it.
You might fall into any of the above categories hence I thought let me bring some awareness about postpartum. Keep reading this article will surely help you not only to find out what is the symptom of postpartum but also what can be done in such a situation.
One of the couples asked me what is the symptom of postpartum and I said we need to reframe the question as what are the symptoms of postpartum? Because to understand whether we have postpartum or baby blues there are many symptoms which need to be evaluated.
Suggested reading during baby blues or postpartum depression
Difference between Baby blues and postpartum
Let us now understand the difference between baby blues and postpartum so our confusion related with postpartum is removed. For those who have never heard the terms baby blues and postpartum depression then here is a simple explanation for you.
Baby Blues
This is like a mild shift in mood bringing negative thoughts and emotions to the surface.
Experiencing a bit of anxiety and stress post 2 to 3 days after the baby is born.
This may continue for 3 to 4 weeks and in time it goes away on its own.
Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression which in short also called as PPD is the prolonged version of baby blues.
So even after 3 to 4 weeks your negative thoughts, feel sad, mood swings, anxiety, stress etc. continues.
Along with that you experience some chemical imbalance in the physical body due to some social as well as psychological changes that happen after having a baby.
I hope now you have a clear understanding about these terms.
You also need to know that postpartum depression begins within 4 weeks after delivery. One out of every ten women suffer from Postpartum depression, but it is not given enough attention in the media. It is a fact that women undergo immense suffering. They are unable to explain, are confused and isolated.
Since the families have no clue about Postpartum depression, this condition is mostly ignored by them. This results in major depression later on. It also leads to marital dispute leading to divorce and a dysfunctional family structure.
It is high time that Postpartum depression is given the importance it deserves. We can save the woman, child, spouse, siblings and family by timely intervention because this type of depression is also easy to cure.
Postpartum Depression Solutions
Online Test - Find out whether you have baby blues or Postpartum depression
Online Treatment - 45 Days Treatment for Postpartum Depression

Symptoms of Postpartum
So now let us find out the various symptoms of postpartum depression that may help you to answer your question. It is not necessary that you will have all the symptoms, however it is better that you bring awareness towards all these symptoms.
Trouble sleeping
Feeling very happy and then feeling very sad
Cry for no reason
Feel impatient, cranky, restless, anxious and lonely.
Feeling agitated and angry
Pacing and restlessness
Appetite changes
Extreme fatigue
Lower sexual drive
Frequent mood changes
Being uninterested in the baby and total absence of bonding with the infant
Depressed mood
Loss of pleasure
Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and helplessness
Thoughts of death or suicide
Thoughts of hurting someone else
Trouble concentrating or making decisions
If you are going through all the above symptoms then you may already have postpartum depression. I suggest you consult some doctor at this point. Seek help from your family or friend circle and start your treatment for postpartum depression.
Causes of Postpartum Depression
Around 385,000 babies are born daily - The world counts website
I was going through the key data of UNICEF. These studies show that, “Every day 67,385 babies are born in India.”
So now do you see how many mothers are delivering babies on a daily basis. Well the point I want to bring here is that you might have delivered a baby and may be going through this situation.
This could be the reason you are reading this article so that you have more clarity and awareness related to postpartum depression.
The causes I am going to share may look a little tough for you but these are some of the facts which we have to accept in life.
A history of depression prior to becoming pregnant, or during pregnancy
Age at the time of pregnancy (the younger you are, the higher the chances)
Mixed feelings about the pregnancy
Family history of mood disorders
Going through an extremely stressful event, like a job loss or health crisis
Having a child with special needs or health problems
Having twins or triplets
Limited social support
Living alone
Marital conflict
So you may connect with any of the above causes and if you have a very different cause then I invite you to write your cause in the comment section below.
I have also observed that many mothers go to the extreme condition where they have suicidal thoughts and do not know how to handle themselves and their baby.
Please read further so you will get all the necessary resources to handle yourself during such a situation.
Suggested music therapy during baby blues or postpartum depression
Handling thoughts of suicide
If not taken care then postpartum depression can affect negatively. Yes there are high risk factors of thoughts of harming oneself and the baby too. in extreme socio-economic pressure and any other relationship condition thoughts of suicide may come. When the pressure is out of control and stress is overwhelming then suicidal thoughts occur.
Whether it is postpartum depression or any other depression yes thoughts of suicide will come to the mind. In many cases I have observed that these thoughts also come due to side effects of some antidepressant or other medications.
There are many support groups online you must connect to them. In such situation I highly suggest you to go to a doctor immediately or get help & support for suicide.
Free Guide
I will also suggest you to download this free ebook how to overcome suicidal thoughts during depression.
Suggested affirmations during baby blues or postpartum depression
Download - Postpartum Depression Affirmations
Download - Affirmations for Family Wellbeing
Download - Relieve Fatigue Affirmations
Treatment for postpartum
It is always advisable that you must start your treatment for postpartum as soon as you know about it. Untreated postpartum depression may create more complications at 3 different health levels:
Physical health - It may have an impact on your body which may result in some or the other disease.
Mental health - Too many negative thoughts may lead you to extreme situations.
Emotional health - You may not be able to handle negative emotions. This may give you a high level of disharmony with all family members or friend circles.
Why to take such a risk of postpartum depression? Hence, start your treatment at once. Self health care is more important. There are several options when it comes to postpartum depression treatment depending on the intensity. As suggested above for baby blues it's just like a mild depression.
This can be easily treated at home with rectification in diet, expressing and talking with someone in your family or friend circle who is ready to help you, creating some basic physical exercise routine, using music therapy and affirmations.
When it comes to postpartum depression treatment then I suggest you consult some doctor. If you are keen to overcome PPD without medication then you may start 45 days postpartum treatment which is a self paced treatment developed under my guidance. This treatment has no side effects and you can do it at your home easily.
Helping your family member or friend
In case if you are reading this article because you want to help someone who is going through postpartum depression then by now you must have got enough awareness about the symptoms, causes and treatment of postpartum.
However, I highly appreciate you for taking such a great effort to help your family or friend at this time. You will need to have lots of patience plus a high level of empathy while you are helping.
Stand by them with more compassion. At times they may be in some negative thought or emotion which gives them triggers to speak negative things to you. But do not be offended by their statements or words. They are not saying it to you at all, they are just releasing their negative emotions.
Once they are out of this situation they will surely appreciate your efforts and you will find a better harmony, trust and respect in their eyes. Whatever resources are shared here feel free to use it to enhance your knowledge about postpartum and help your near and dear ones to come out of it.
In case you think that the problem is too serious then take them to some nearby doctor. Sometimes it is difficult to handle them on your own so the best way is to consult the doctor.
They may resist at times, however, hold more compassion in your heart and be strong. Use positive vocabulary with them while having conversations and motivate them to come with you.
If you think you can handle them then go through the entire treatment process which I have shared in the postpartum depression treatment plan and guide them accordingly.
Still if you feel you need some help you can also write to me on Overcome Depression Forum, I will surely respond to you within 72 hours.
I share gratitude to you for taking your time in reading this article. I am sure now you have all the necessary clarity. Feel free to share this article to all those who are going through postpartum depression or those who need this information.
I pray for your wellbeing.
Websites related with Postpartum Depression
Free resources to overcome depression
1. Join Course - How to overcome depression online course
Discover the key to overcoming depression with our powerful online course. This course is facilitated by Dr. Falguni Jani, India’s leading integral psychotherapist. She provides expert guidance and support throughout the course by offering various practical techniques, tools and strategies needed to overcome depression. Her life experience of 25+ years in helping 1000s of individuals to beat depression has been accumulated in this course. Enrol now by joining the course and take the first step towards regaining your happiness and life.
2. Start Diagnosis - Online depression test
The online depression test has been used by 34000+ people globally. It is scientifically researched and provides you with as an assessment of whether you are in depression or not. The test is researched and developed under the guidance of Dr. Falguni Jani. It is created using reference from WHO ICD 10 Code for depression.
3. Join Forum - Overcome depression forum
Join our Overcome Depression Forum which is dedicated to supporting and helping individuals who are on the journey of overcoming depression with self help tools & methods. You can connect with a supportive community of like-minded individuals who understand the challenges of dealing with depression and also have overcome depression using self help methods. It is a safe and non-judgemental space where you can freely share your experience, thoughts, questions and seek support. This forum is led by Dr. Falguni Jani. She will answer your questions within 72 hours.
4. Download Ebook - Mild depression treatment ebook
Discover effective strategies to overcome mild depression with our mild depression treatment guide ebook. This ebook provides practical tips and techniques to help you overcome mild depression with ease on your own. Written by Dr. Falguni Jani, you will get the best expert support in this step-by-step guide. With easy-to-follow methods, techniques and tools, you can choose your best treatment method from the variety of treatment options suggested by her for mild depression.
5. Download Ebook - Moderate depression treatment ebook
Overcome moderate depression with ease from the effective treatment options suggested by Dr. Falguni Jani. With 25+ years of experience in treating depression patients, she has carefully given practical techniques which work for moderate depression. Choose whichever self-help treatment that suits you best and begin your journey to overcome moderate depression with ease. Download the moderate depression treatment ebook today and take the first step towards a happier depression-free life.
6. Download Ebook - How to overcome suicidal thoughts during depression ebook
Going through suicidal thoughts happens to many during their battle with depression. Discover the ultimate guide to conquering suicidal thoughts during depression by with our ebook. Written by Dr. Falguni Jani, this book is packed with proven techniques and tools to help you overcome suicidal thoughts during depression. Lots of individuals have been benefited and have been able to overcome suicidal thoughts and gradually reduce their depression symptoms. Gain resilience, confidence, motivation and support through this ebook.
7. Join Group - Wellbeing prayers
Join our Wellbeing Prayers group and experience the power of collective positive energy. This group is dedicated to promoting mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing through the practice of prayer. Praying has nothing to do with any religion. It is a safe and non-judgemental space which is not bound by religion or cult. It is open to all who believe in praying. By joining, you will have the opportunity to pray with like-minded individuals who share a common goal of finding inner peace and serenity. Together, we will create a supportive and uplifting community where you can seek solace, share your thoughts, and receive encouragement. Join us today and send wellbeing prayers to all.
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I used to struggle from depression, and I didn’t have all the answers, but that is also something to keep in mind, don’t beat yourself up for not knowing everything you think you should know
Highly helpful treatment for mothers going through PPD. It has helped me bond with myself and my child better
हां डिप्रेशन सिर्फ एक स्थिति है और इस 45 दिन के उपचार को अपनाकर हम डिप्रेशन से छुटकारा पा सकते हैं
From one mother to another - My dear mother, if you're reading it, it's never too late, pls follow this treatment and come out of depression! I am out depression and don't have any relapses all thanks to the 45days postpartum depression treatment