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Parenting - Prioritising Child’s Wellbeing
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Learn principles of parenting
Discover the science and art of parenting
Apply new ways to experience positive parenting
Worth - Rs. 900
Baby Blues & PPD Prevention
Follow 3 steps
Recharge your brain with healing music
Protect your mental health with affirmations
Balance your emotions with sound sleep music
Worth - Rs. 1950
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2 Bonuses worth Rs. 2950/- today
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Wellbeing Pregnancy Webapp
3 powerful wellbeing tools
Wellbeing Music, Positive Affirmations, Creative Activities
4 Music Tracks
High quality 432 Hz healing music tracks for morning and night to handle anxiety and stress
7 Audio Tracks
High quality sound with double induction affirmations track to handle negative thoughts and overthinking
300+ Video Library
Activities that you can do to come out of depression
With our user-friendly guided steps you can easily navigate through our webapp
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Access the webapp from anywhere with your mobile phone
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Case Study
R&D - Music therapy and sound healing with affirmations tracks
Location - India, UK, USA
Pregnant Women - 252
Duration - Jan 2018 to Nov 2022
Age - 24 to 34
On medication- 12%
First time pregnant - 68%
93% release in stress and anxiety in less than 180 seconds using music therapy & sound healing tracks during pregnancy
96% boost self confidence and self esteem listening to double induction positive affirmations during pregnancy
100% increase in feel good factor throughout pregnancy
92% normal delivery
98% prevention from baby blues and PPD
2% who entered into PPD, recovered within 45 days
10% (from 12% on medication) reduction in the dosage of medicine
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Pregnancy tips for first time moms
#1 - Smile a lot
Scientifically a natural smile activates positive emotions. Brain releases chemicals like dopamine and serotonin when you have positive emotions. This increases the feel good factor that works as vital nourishment to you and your baby. Hence, it is best to smile a lot without any reason. Practice smiling every 1 hour throughout the day.
#2 - Feel gratitude
Universe has gifted you a new life with the most powerful role as mother. Therefore, offer infinite gratitude to the entire universe or whosoever you believe in. When you feel gratitude from your heart it brings peace to mind naturally. Gratitude is an antidote for stress and anxiety. When you wake up in the morning feel gratitude for the new day and at night before sleeping feel gratitude for the gift of motherhood.
#3 - Touch belly with compassion
Positive bonding happens with mother and child when a touch of compassion is felt. Touch your belly often with deep compassion. It works as a positive nourishment to the baby. Compassionate touch boosts confidence and elevates self esteem. It also increases the happiness quotient.
#4 - Protect yourself from negative thoughts and emotions
It is highly important for you to take care of your thoughts and emotions during pregnancy. Whatever you will think and feel, your baby is affected by it. Therefore, protect yourself from all kinds of negative thoughts and emotions. Keep your mind tuned by listening wellbeing music for pregnant women and daily practising affirmations during pregnancy
#5 - Prioritise your wellbeing
Your first and foremost priority in life during pregnancy is your own wellbeing and the wellbeing of your child. Hence, on a day to day basis ensure to take care of your body by healthy food and simple workouts. Balance your mental health and emotional health using wellbeing music, daily positive affirmations and fun pregnancy activities.
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Know why our webapp is best for you and your baby
Independent research and development on various physical health, mental health and emotional health aspects under the guidance of subject experts, health professionals and healers.
Prolonged tests conducted on individuals for a period of 12 weeks and maximum period of 52 weeks per individual after seeking each individual's consent.
35+ years of experienced team with profound subject knowledge is involved in creations.
Ancient and contemporary methods are used in creating music using various physical and digital instruments.
Double induction effect is used for affirmations which is a profound method that impacts the subconscious mind.
Sound engineering is done using scientifically studied and tested frequencies and sounds.
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Benefits of Double Induction Affirmations during Pregnancy
Double induction is an ancient process where healers use to make the patient lie down and one healer sits on the left side of the ear and another on the right side of the ear. Both healers then use to give positive commands which we call affirmations today to the patient in the ear with various tones with emotions.
Conscious mind is very active and hence it does not allow many things to go to the subconscious mind. However, anything that is given with strong emotions and with constant repetition enters into the subconscious mind. Hence they discovered that when the conscious mind is active that time to taper down its control over the subconscious mind multiple layers of commands needs to be given at the same time to the patients.
This process was then adopted in hypnotherapy also. When the same command or various commands are given together in different ears, the conscious mind is unable to process and hence the subconscious takes charge.
Breaks the negative thinking patterns from the subconscious mind.
Creates a protection shield for the mind that prevents negative thought and emotional attack.
Works as a guiding agent when facing any life situations.
Develops positive psychophysical habits that are induced in muscle memory.
Plays the role of a powerful catalyst in the positive life transformation process.
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Wellbeing Pregnancy Webapp FAQs
Can I use this wellbeing pregnancy webapp if I am on medication?
Yes! In fact it will helps as a perfect supplement with medication.​
Should I stop using medicines if I am using this wellbeing pregnancy webapp?
We do not advise you to stop your medication at all. Kindly consult your doctor before you stop your medication.
What are the risks of using this wellbeing pregnancy webapp?
There are no risks at all.
Are there any side effects of using this wellbeing pregnancy webapp?
No side effects at all.
What is the money-back guarantee?
As this webapp comes with a 50% plus discount offer, there are no refunds. Time, effort and resources allotted for the R&D and testing of the content and tools are priceless.
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Best Value
Wellbeing Pregnancy
MRP - Rs. 12000/-*
Valid for one year
4 Music tracks
7 Affirmations tracks
300+ Activities Videos
Bonus 1 - Parenting Ebook
Bonus 2 - Baby Blues & PPD Prevention
Wellbeing Pregnancy User Guide