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Join date: Nov 12, 2021


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Dr. Falguni Jani integral psychotherapist practicing for 25 years. She is advisor of Yaha Life. She has a Master’s degree in Social Work with specialization in Psychiatric Social work. Later completed M.Phil and P.hd in Sociology and started counselling practice for children, adolescents and adults based on Integral yoga Psychology of Sri Aurobindo and practical guidance from the writings of the Mother.

She lives in Pondicherry since 2016 and works at Sri Aurobindo centre for Advance Research, Sacar as facilitator for online courses in Integral Health, Integral Psychology, and counselling. She has published articles on Integral Philosophy and Psychology and is a speaker at Living Within camps conducted by Sacar and Sri Aurobindo Society publication NAMAH, on the topics of health and psychology.

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Dr. Falguni Jani



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